See Me There: Kuniharu Shimizu and Me (Times Two)

An inspiring story of faith, hope, and survival! Tune in to hear one woman’s testimony of how her lousy day was transformed by the power of Art …

So I was having kind of a blah day yesterday, feeling sorry for myself for no good reason (I like to do this, instead of, you know, drinking or something — everyone needs a vice). Hadn’t slept well the night before. Came home from a kind of wearying family event (love my family, but it was a five-year-old’s birthday party, enough said) and passed out on the couch for a two-hour nap without even checking my email (I normally check my email ninety-seven times a day). Had weird dreams of birds flying around and people speaking strange languages. Woke up feeling remarkably refreshed. Immediately checked my email.

The name of the sender of one of the messages was in Japanese characters. Intriguing. The name of the sender in English, when said message was opened, turned out to be Kuniharu Shimizu. Kuniharu is one of my favorite haiga artists and is the proprietor of one of my favorite blogs, see haiku here. A few days ago, I sent him some of my haiku because he had mentioned on his blog that he was sick of looking around himself for haiku to illustrate and wanted people to send him some. He replied thanking me for sending them but letting me know that he had a large backlog of haiku to work on so it would probably be a while before he decided on these.

But YESTERDAY (he wrote me to say) he posted his haiga of one of my haiku on his site! Me! Mine! My haiku! Kuniharu Shimizu! [Incomprehensible joyful babbling.] So much for feeling sorry for myself. It TOTALLY made my day, even before I actually looked at the haiga and realized how unbelievably beautiful it was.

In case you missed the link above, here’s the haiga:

The haiku (which, unusually for me, is a pretty exact description of my son’s reaction to Comet Hale-Bopp back in 1997) is a rewritten version of a haiku that appeared on this blog back in June. Back then I wrote:

slash of a comet
the two-year-old’s

The version I sent Kuniharu was:

the slash of the two-year-old’s

And I know you have already clicked on the link and gone to look at the haiga yourself so you know this already (right? right?) but he did an amazing job interpreting this haiku. I love the colors. I love the shapes. It looks like something out of  a dream. It reminds me a little of Chagall, who is one of my favorite painters. Also, I love what Kuni had to say about his inspiration for this image. It is a poem all on its own.

In my imagination, a comet is like a swallow swishing in the sky…

— Kuniharu Shimizu

So now I have resolved never to feel sorry for myself ever again. Let me know if you catch me at it.

Thanks again, Kuni san.


Addendum, 1/17, 9:00 p.m.: He did it again!

I love this one too. Kuni! You are spoiling me!

The haiku is another rewritten one, from this post. Originally it was:

the year’s hottest day
her dress
is made of bees

but it became

the year’s hottest day
she dreams that her dress
is made of bees

Slightly less surreal, I suppose. But surrealism and I only occasionally get along.

We’re having a snowstorm here today, the idea of dreaming about heat and bees is very appealing to me. I might have to go to bed soon and do that.

10 thoughts on “See Me There: Kuniharu Shimizu and Me (Times Two)

  1. I love his art. His depiction of your poetic motion via the placement of shapes–star, bird, fingers–and all that beautiful BLUE! Tried to leave an an expression of appreciation but I don’t think it ‘worked’.

  2. Absolutely stunning–if that were right, meaning, to catch you in a state of wonder and keep you there! Your haiku does draw its own image but Kuni-san translated it into an explosion of awe. Yes, it is Chagall-like! Congratulations, Melissa!

  3. “you have already clicked”

    Melissa, you know too much

    Not really. Just enough in fact.

    Anyway, a beautiful haiga, full marks to both of you.

    And an associate producer credit to your son.

    One of mine, from a while ago, published at Tinywords

    falling star
    the child stares
    at my finger

  4. Thanks Don, Eva, Rick, Alegria, Margaret, Bill … wow, that’s a lot of people! 🙂 I appreciate your kind words. 🙂

    Bill — I’ll let my son know about his associate producer status. 🙂

    Also, if you go over to the original post the first version of this ku was posted at, you will see that you left a comment with that ku of yours then too … I still love it. 🙂

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